martes, 31 de marzo de 2015



Que harías si caminando por esta vida te encuentras con alguien que cometió un enorme y gran pecado? lo conoces justo en medio del fango, que piensas? seguro que piensas que necesita a Jesús, todos pensaríamos eso, que necesita conocer a quien puede cambiar su vida por completo; bien y si te digo que ese, el esta en el fango es cristiano? 
Estoy seguro que no seguiríamos pensando igual, dirías que es un lobo vestido de oveja, que no es hijo de Dios, que no se convirtió realmente, que lo saquemos de nuestro …entorno ( no vaya a ser que nos contamine, tal como una manzana podrida contamina al resto)…..

Pero,¿Que haría Jesús? 

Mmmm Parece que ahora todo cambia verdad? y si ! Invertimos los papeles?, Que el que esta en el fango eres tu?, que quisieras que los demás hicieran por ti en esos momentos en donde tan solo una palabra puede darte las fuerzas suficiente para levantarte del lugar en el que has caído, porque escrito esta «Haz a los demás todo lo que quieras que te hagan a ti. Esa es la esencia de todo.»
- Mateo 7:12 -
Es por eso sabiamente dice Dios que no juzguemos…porque quizas estemos dilapidando y juzgando a una gran persona que ama a Dios pero que cometió el error de deslizarse en la fe ….tu y yo solo vimos el final …pero ojo…que solo es el final del lodo, NO HAS VISTO TODO PORQUE 7 veces cae el justo y 7 mas se levanta (Prov.24.16) NO SEAMOS EL ÚNICO EJERCITO DEL MUNDO QUE MATA A SUS SOLDADOS HERIDOS..SANEMOS, AMEMOS AYUDEMOS A LOS CAÍDOS POR EL FUEGO DEL ENEMIGO…

No matemos ni juzguemos a nadie tan solo porque comete pecados diferentes a los nuestros.


What would you do if walking through this life you meet someone who made a huge and great sin? you know just through the mud ... .that you think? certainly think needs Jesus, everyone would think that, you need to know who can change your life completely; well and if I say you this is the sludge is Christian?
I'm sure it would not continue thinking same, you say that is a wolf in sheep's clothing, which is not son of God, which is not really converted, that we remove it from our ... environment (not going to be that contaminate us as an apple rotten contaminate others) 

But what would Jesus do?

Mmmm seems that now everything changes right? what if! Reverse the roles ?, which the one in the mud are you ?, you want others to do for you in those moments where only one word can give you the strength to get up enough of the place where you have fallen, because writing This "All things therefore whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, even so do ye also unto them. " - Matthew 7:12 -
That's why God wisely says not to judge ... because maybe we are wasting and judging a person who loves God but made the mistake of sliding in faith .... you and I only saw the end ... but beware ... it is only the end of the mud ... .NO YOU SEEN EVERYTHING ... BECAUSE ... For a righteous man falls seven times and rises again, (Prov.24.16) ... .. WE WON'T BE THE ONLY ARMY IN THE WORLD THAT KILLS THEIR WOUNDED SOLDIERS .. HEAL, lOVE, HELP THE FALLEN BY FIRE THE ENEMY .....

No judge or kill anyone just because he commits different kind of sins that your.


miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015



마태복음 5장 38절 - 39절
"또 눈은 눈으로, 이는 이로 갚으라 하였다는 것을 너희가 들었으나
나는 너희에게 이르노니 악한 자를 대적하지 말라 
누구든지 네 오른편 뺨을 치거든 왼편도 돌려 대며”

나를 미워하는 자를 어떻게 용서할 수 있을까
어떻게 대가 없이 나를 낮출 수 있을까
불가능하고 바보같은 일들,
우리가 살아가는 세상의 이치와 방법, 철학을 따르고서는 도저히 이해할 수 없다.

왜 내가 오른뺨을 맞았을 때 왼뺨까지 돌려대야 하는가?
내가 보복하지 않고 잘못된 행동을 너그러이 용서해주는 것만으로도 대단한 은혜가 아닌가
그런데 왜 우리는 굳이 때릴 수 있는 기회를 한 번 더 주어야 하는가


Matthew 5:38-39
"You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.' 
But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. 
If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also."

How can we forgive someone who hates me?
How can we lower ourselves without a cost?
I cannot understand this phrase in our ways of the world and philosophy.
It's impossible and it looks stupid.

When I striked my right cheek, why do I have to turn to him my other cheek?
It is enough favor that I don't resist an evil person and I forgive him.
Nevertheless, why do we have to give a chance more to strike us?

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2015

Jonás Gutiérrez, "Un verdadero ejemplo de vida // A real life example"


Jonás Gutiérrez, un verdadero ejemplo de vida, le sumó un nuevo capítulo de orgullo a su historia particular. Luego de recuperarse de un cáncer testicular, que lo alejó de la actividad durante varios meses, ingresó en la nómina de concentrados y estuvo en el banco del Newcastle ante Aston Villa, en condición de local, por la Fecha 27 de la Premier League.

El "Galgo", quien disputó su último partido profesional en abril de 2014 con la camiseta de Norwich, se reintegró a los entrenamientos con la institución de Inglaterra después de someterse a una intervención para remover el testículo afectado y posteriormente a sesiones de quimioterapia. Y si bien se entrenó en Vélez y también con la Reserva de las "Urracas", su regreso se dará en breve.

Mientras el público lo ovacionó en el calentamiento previo, su compañero Cissé, autor del gol del triunfo, lo fue a saludo tras el tanto convertido. John Carver, entrenador del equipo, en la previa había destacado la fortaleza de Jonás. "Esto le levantará mucho el ánimo a él y a sus compañeros. Sé todo lo que lo aprecian los hinchas y seguramente le darán una buena bienvenida".


Jonas Gutierrez, a real life example, we added a new chapter of pride to its particular history. After recovering from testicular cancer, which removed him from the activity for several months, he joined the roster of concentrates and was on the bench against Aston Villa Newcastle, as local, by the date 27 of the Premier League.

The "Galgo", who played his last professional match in April 2014 with the shirt of Norwich, was returned to training with the institution of England after undergoing surgery to remove the affected testicle and subsequently chemotherapy sessions. And while he trained in Vélez and the Book of the "Urracas" will be returning soon.

As the audience cheered in the preheating, his partner Cissé, who scored the win, it was a greeting after both become. John Carver, coach, in the previous had highlighted the strength of Jonah. "This will raise much cheer him and his companions. I know all appreciate the fans and surely will give him a good welcome".